Attendance 2021-2022
Our attendance figures for 2021-2022 showed a whole school attendance rate of 94.2% (1.8% off our 96% target), with 4.8% of absence being authorised, and 1% unauthorised. The increase in authorised absence is as a result of children being absent from school due to illness relating to Covid-19. There is an increase in unauthorised absence which reflects the number of families taking unauthorised holiday in term-time.
Attendance Awards - Celebrating individual effort with attendance
We positively encourage all children to strive for 100% attendance at school each year.
This year it has not been appropriate to award certificates for 99-100% attendance. The vast majority, if not all children, have been off school for extended periods due to Covid-19.
Attendance 2022-2023
We have set a minimum of 96% attendance as a whole school target for 2022-2023.
To enable us to meet this target, we will be:
- Encouraging parents and carers to ensure their child is in school, unless they are unwell
- Communicating the negative impact on children's learning when they are taken out of school for holidays during term-time
- Continuing to only grant term-time leave where there are exceptional circumstances
- Monitoring attendance data on a termly basis for all cohorts, and on a weekly basis for ‘focus children’ whose attendance in 2021-22 gave cause for concern
- Involving the Education Safeguarding Board where a child’s attendance rate or pattern of attendance is a cause for concern
- Asking parents and carers to provide medical evidence (appointment cards/sight of prescribed medicines) where children are absent through illness for more than two days
- Encouraging children to be making their best effort to be in school, through our attendance awards
For each full term where a child has a 99-100% attendance record, children will receive an individual certificate presented in celebration worship.