We offer a range of clubs throughout the year, to give children the opportunity to learn new skills and pursue their interests.
Staff offer a range of clubs at different points in the school year, for different age groups. Each club runs for 8 weeks during the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms. Our Y6 children also have the opportunity to put their bids in to the headteacher for the clubs they wish to run across the year, during lunchtimes.
Most clubs are offered on a no-cost basis, though occasionally for cookery, crafts and clubs run by external providers, we will ask for a small contribution to cover the cost of materials and specialist equipment. Most clubs are run on a voluntary basis by staff. Children attending clubs are expected to follow club leaders’ instructions and our simple school rules, so that all can enjoy the club activity.
Club sign up forms will typically come out at the start of a new term. Where there are more children wanting a place at a club than there are spaces, once the list is full on School Gateway, we will then add the children that missed out on to a ‘waiting list’ kept for future terms. Information about clubs comes out via the newsletter or club letters, and text alerts are used to notify parents if a club is not able to run on a night, due to staffing or other events.
Staff-run clubs offered this term are:
Monday |
Craft Club |
Tuesday |
Choir (lunchtime)KnittingRockstarsFutsal |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Book Crew (lunchtime)RunningFutsal |
Friday |
After School Clubs and activities 2022-23
If you are a parent / carer with a specific area of expertise or interest and would like to offer a club for children, please contact Mrs Cohen.